
时间:2022-10-12 16:10:15       来源:互联网




let drawQrcode = require("../utils/wxapp.qrcode.min.js");//引入wxapp.qrcode.min.js文件createQRcode(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, canvasId, url) {  // 调用qrcode.js里的方法,传入对应参数  drawQrcode({   width: canvasWidth,   height: canvasHeight,   canvasId: canvasId,   text: url  })  console.log(drawQrcode.width) }, setCanvasSize() {  let size = {};  // getSystemInfoSync 微信小程序提供getSystemInfoSync获取设备的信息  let res = wx.getSystemInfoSync();  // console.log(res);  // 获取比例  let scale = 686 / 750;  let width = res.windowWidth * scale;  let height = width;  size.w = width;  size.h = height;  return size; }, formsubmit(e) {  let url = e.detail.value.url || this.data.placeholder;  // let url = e.detail.value.url ? e.detail.value.url : this.data.placeholder;  wx.showToast({   title: "生成中",   icon: "loading",   duration: 2000  })  let that_ = this;  let timer = setTimeout(() => {   let size = that_.setCanvasSize();   //调用createQRcode方法   that_.createQRcode(size.w, size.h, "mycanvars", url);   wx.hideToast();   clearTimeout(timer);  }, 2000)}, /**  * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载  */ onLoad: function (options) {  //setCanvasSize 拿到画布区域的尺寸(微信小程序不支持dom的操作,所以单独定义方法去获取)  let size = this.setCanvasSize();  // console.log(size);  let url = this.data.placeholder;  //调用createQRcode方法  this.createQRcode(size.w, size.h, "mycanvars", url); },


const DB = wx.cloud.database().collection("cows")const TB = wx.cloud.database().collection("log")let i = 0let id=""var util = require("../utils/util.js");


now(){    var that = this;  console.log(that.data.nows)  if (i == 0 && that.data.now =="签到"){   i=1;   var time1 = util.formatTime(new Date())   DB.add({    data: {     statctime:time1,     endtime: ""    },    success(res) {     id=res._id     console.log("签到成功", res._id)    },    fail(res) {     console.log("签到失败", res)    }   })   that.setData({    statc: time1,    now: "已签到",    color: "rgb(199, 194, 194)"   })   wx.showToast({    title: "签到成功"   })   var timeout= setTimeout(function(){    wx.switchTab({     url: "/pages/arrary/first/ones/ones",    })   },1000)     }  else{   wx.showToast({    title: "已签到,请勿重复签到",    icon: "none"   })  } }, nows(){  var that = this;  if (i == 1 || that.data.now == "已签到" && that.data.nows == "签退"){   i=2;   var time2 = util.formatTime(new Date())   DB.doc(id).update({    data: {     endtime: time2    },    success(res) {     console.log("签退成功", res)    },    fail(res) {     console.log("签退失败", res)    }   })   that.setData({    ends: time2,    nows: "已签退",    colors: "rgb(199, 194, 194)"   })   wx.showToast({    title: "签退成功"   })  }  else  {   if(i==2){    wx.showToast({     title: "已签退,请勿重复签退",     icon: "none"    })   }   else{    wx.showToast({     title: "请先签到,签到之后方可签退!",     icon: "none"    })   }  } },


 var that = this  wx.cloud.callFunction({   name: "getopenid",   success(res) {    var openid = res.result.openid    DB.get({     success(e) {      console.log(e)      var lenths = e.data.length;      console.log(lenths);      var time1 = util.formatTime(new Date())      for (var i = 0; i < lenths; i++) {       if (e.data[i]._openid == openid && e.data[i].statctime.substring(0, 10) == time1.substring(0, 10)) {        var st = e.data[i].statctime        var en = e.data[i].endtime        that.setData({         statc: st,         now: "已签到",         color: "rgb(199, 194, 194)",        })       }      }     },     fail(e) {      console.log("查询失败", e)     }    })    console.log("获取成功", res.result.openid)   },   fail(res) {    console.log("获取成功", res)   }  })




关键词: 微信小程序二维码签到考勤 微信小程序考勤签到